Report Absences

For students in our classroom-based program, families must report an absence within 48 hours. To report an absence, a parent or guardian can send a signed note with a student or call Denise Watts on our Attendance line at (360) 662-2570 ext 2574.

Report an Absence

Report an Absence

If your child will be absent from school, please provide us the following information. Please note that all information with an asterisk (*) is required. When you click Submit, you will automatically receive an email record of your report. 

Student's first and last name* :  

Parent/Guardian name (first and last)* :

Your relationship to the student (parent, guardian?):

Parent/Guardian phone number (if we need to verify absence)*:

Email *:

Date of absence*:

Reason for absence* (please share the specific reason for the absence — particularly if your child has flu or respiratory symptoms):

Additional information:

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