Join us for an All-School "Barker"que!
Join us for our annual schoolwide barbeque on May 22nd, 10:30am - 12:00pm, in the Barker Creek cafe. CKSD Food Service will be serving up burgers (and veggie burgers). Parent/guardian meals cost $5, and students eat free! Virtual Academy and Parent Partnership families, please
RSVP here by Friday, May 17th. Meal payment instructions are included in the RSVP form. We hope to see you there!
Reminder - SBA Testing
The Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) measures how well students meet state learning standards in Math and English/Language Arts.
Students in grades 3 through 8 and 10/11 participate in testing in May at Barker Creek. Please note the testing dates below.
K-8 Testing: Monday, May 6th; Tuesday, May 7th: Monday, May 13th; Tuesday, May 14th
9-12 Testing: Wednesday, May 8th; Thursday, May 9th; Wednesday, May 15th; Thursday, May 16th; Wednesday, May 22nd; Thursday, May 23rd
Makeups will be scheduled for the week of May 20th through the 23rd.
Students in Parent Partnership and Virtual Academy should sign up for testing times. Please see your Individual Program Update below for the sign up links.
Graduation - Upcoming Events/Due Dates
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Due Date, May 1 end of day.
Senior Photo/Graduation Sign Up/Loved Ones Messages Due Date, May 20 end of day
Graduation Sign Up Due Date, June 5 end of day.
Ticket/Gown Pickup Event, June 7, 9:00-11:00am, BCCS
BCCS Graduation Ceremonies, June 12, 11:00am & 2:00pm, Newlife Training & Events Center
Visit the
Barker Creek Graduation page for more graduation information!
Individual Program Updates
Parent Partnership
Virtual Academy K-8
Virtual Academy 9-12